Friday, March 27, 2020

How Does A Computer Tutor At Home Work?

How Does A Computer Tutor At Home Work?Anyone who has a small child who is eager to learn and needs a little help with homework can benefit from a computer tutor at home. There are many benefits to having a tutor while you are working, but there are also several things to consider about this option before getting a tutor. Here are some things to consider about this type of program.A computer tutor at home will likely be much more affordable than the programs that you see offered at school or at a local tutoring center. Some programs cost thousands of dollars, while others will cost under a hundred dollars. In addition, some programs offer multiple classes or different areas of interest.You should make sure that the computer tutor that you choose has all of the knowledge necessary to help you with your homework and to keep your grades up. This means that they should have experience in teaching students, understand the needs of the average student, and have all of the necessary tools n eeded to answer questions or get advice. You want to find a tutor that can give you individual attention as well as help you stay on track with your schoolwork. You do not want to find yourself staring at the computer screen for hours while the computer tutor answers a question.If you have someone else with you who needs help with their homework, you may find that a tutor works better for you. Perhaps you will work together with your tutor, and he or she will take the time to provide you with just the right amount of assistance when it comes to homework. You may find that this is an option that you need when you need to use a computer, and you do not have someone with you who does.While you will want to research as many different programs as possible, you will also want to make sure that you are comfortable with the program. Even if you are a very good student and do not need much assistance, you still want to make sure that you feel comfortable with your tutor. That way, you can fi nd a program that fits your needs and your lifestyle.Finding a computer tutor at home is not difficult. The majority of these programs are very simple to use and you can find the one that works best for you. Take your time and research a few different options.You do not have to worry about this option if you are not having any specific problems. That way, you can enjoy using the program as long as you like and focus on other parts of your life.

Friday, March 6, 2020

A Guide to the Hindi Alphabet

A Guide to the Hindi Alphabet How to Learn to Speak Hindi: Learning the Devanagari Script ChaptersHow Do You Write in Hindi?History of the Devanagari ScriptBasics of the Hindi AlphabetLearning to Write the Hindi LettersHindi On Your Electronic DevicesSo you have decided to take the plunge and learn how to speak Hindi. You are eager to discover Indian culture and ready to immerse yourself in this Indo-European language.But of course, you can learn to speak Hindi - but you also need to learn to read and write it.So come  and discover the Hindi alphabet with us! by the end of the first millennium AD, it had evolved into Devanagari and Nandinagari (one of the Hindi alphabets used in central and south India, and that has also been used for Sanskrit.)Indic Keyboard for  Android devices that allows you to switch easily between various different Indian alphabets and English.On iPhones, you can simply add a new keyboard and switch by pressing down the “globe” icon on your current keyboard.Do you need to get a Hindi keyboard?To write the Devanagari script, you can simply change the keyboard options on your computer and type with your normal keyboard. Here is the usual layout (called InScript) on a normal QWERTY keyboard:An InScript keyboard for writing Hindi. Image by Suresh Kumar Shukla on Wikimedia Commons.However, if you don’t want to learn the layout by heart, you might want to invest in an InScript keyboard for when you have to do a lot of typing in Hindi.

Is ADHD Genetic

Is ADHD Genetic There is so much discussion online about possible causes of ADHD watching too much TV, eating too much sugar, lax parenting, schools that dont allow for enough creativity or physical activity, etc. Surprisingly, one of least discussed topics is the connection between our genes and ADHD. We know that genes strongly influence our appearance, our intelligence, our athletic ability, and even our personality, so why not ADHD symptoms as well? Decades of research have in fact established that genes play a significant role in the development of ADHD. For parents of kids with ADHD, its probably not surprising to hear that ADHD often runs in families. Most children with ADHD have at least one close relative with the disorder, and one-third of fathers with ADHD have a child who has ADHD themselves. The strongest evidence for the role of genes in the development of ADHD comes from studies of identical twins. Researchers have found that if one twin has ADHD there is a 90% chance that the other twin will have ADHD as well. This is compared to a 25% chance among non-identical siblings. Overall, scientists estimate that ADHD has a heritability factor of .76, meaning that genes are responsible for about 76% of the differences that contribute to the development of ADHD. For comparisons sake, genes are responsible for about 70% of individual differences in IQ, with the remaining 30% being determined by non-genetic factors, like access to high quality early education. As with IQ, whether or not an individual develops ADHD is largely influenced by genetics. However, environmental, or non-genetic, factors also play a role. These factors include exposure to toxins, maternal smoking during pregnancy, and premature birth (among others). If a child is exposed to one or more of these environmental factors, then he or she is at risk for developing ADHD. If a child is exposed to these environmental factors and he or she also carries genes that predispose him or her to ADHD, then his or her likelihood of developing the disorder increases significantly. If we know that genes play an important role in the development of ADHD, is a genetic test available? Many parents ask this question, and why not given that genetic testing exists for many medical disorders and even for ancestry DNA profiles? While scientists can confidently establish a genetic basis for ADHD from twin and family studies, identifying specific genes associated with the disorder is a much more challenging task. ADHD affects multiple parts of the brain and impacts a wide range of cognitive functions. No single gene or chromosomal region is responsible for all ADHD symptoms. Instead, multiple genes make small contributions to the development of the disorder. Researchers have identified a few of these genes already, but they have a long way to go before they have a clear genetic picture of ADHD. So, currently no genetic test for ADHD is available. Despite not yet having a clear understanding of every piece of the ADHD genetic puzzle, researchers are optimistic about where this line of research is headed. In the future, scientists may be able to conduct genetic testing that will measure ADHD susceptibility, even in very young children. This testing would open the door for prevention and early intervention opportunities that could greatly improve the lives of children and families who are at risk. Equally as exciting is the possibility of using precision medicine, which optimizes treatment based on an individuals genetic profile, to tailor ADHD medications and behavioral interventions for each child. This could greatly reduce the amount of trial and error involved in finding the right ADHD medication or the most effective behavioral and cognitive interventions. Understanding that ADHD is strongly influenced by genetics should help parents recognize that they are not to blame for a childs symptoms. There is, however, a great deal that parents can do to help their child manage their ADHD and reach their full potential. In the future, with access to a clear picture of each childs unique ADHD genetic profile, parents, teachers, and healthcare professionals will have the ability to be even more effective with the interventions they use to support children with ADHD. ABOUT DR. MARY ROONEY Mary Rooney, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco. Dr Rooney is a researcher and clinician specializing in the evaluation and treatment of ADHD and co-occurring behavioral, anxiety, and mood disorders. A strong advocate for those with attention and behavior problems, Dr. Rooney is committed to developing and providing comprehensive, cutting edge treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each child and adolescent. Dr. Rooney's clinical interventions and research avenues emphasize working closely with parents and teachers to create supportive, structured home and school environments that enable children and adolescents to reach their full potential. In addition, Dr. Rooney serves as a consultant and ADHD expert to Huntington Learning Centers. ABOUT HUNTINGTON Huntington Learning Center is the tutoring and test prep leader. Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students of all levels succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntington's mission is to give every student the best education possible. Call us today at 1.800.CAN LEARN to discuss how Huntington can help your child. For franchise opportunities please visit This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The material on this site is provided for educational purposes only.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

LOI Student Achieves University Level English in 1 Month

LOI Student Achieves University Level English in 1 Month LOI student Moira Urenda achieved university level English in 1 month.Earlier this year, we had the pleasure of offering a one month intensive English scholarship to a group of 5 Bolivian students  through our new Academic English Program that weve created in partnership with AUPP.We would like to thank the people of iTEP, creators of a great English proficiency test that is being accepted by more universities every month. They were kind enough to provide us with testing before the intensive month of online English study began and a follow up test to measure  the results and effectiveness of our English classes.The students had 1 hour of live classes 5 days a week and were required to study independently on the integrated work 1 to 2 more hours a day. During this time the students raised their English level by 1 point on the iTEP which is the equivalent of raising from A1 to A2 in CEFR.We had one student raise her score from the equivalent of a 42 TOEFL score to an 88 TOEFL score. Th is is incredible! In 1 month of studying English with LOI she made huge improvements. While a score of 42 would not allow you into any major U.S. universities, an 88 will get you into almost all of them.Obviously she worked hard for this score and took her studies seriously. We would like to congratulate all of our Bolivian students for their hard work.Interested in seeing a huge improvement in your English in just 1 month? Try our English Boot Camp.If you have a group of students interested in our Academic English Program or the American Universities Pathways Program please contact:

Go Global! The 6 Best Translation Apps for Language Learners

Go Global! The 6 Best Translation Apps for Language Learners Go Global! The 6 Best Translation Apps for Language Learners If you want my opinion, you’re not doing bad at all with your new language learning.You’ve got the basics down, you can conjugate without too much trouble and you feel pretty sure you’re on the road to success.That’s all great, but…  Are you chatting like a local? Almost? Or do you often get stuck for a word or phrase?Are you reading like a pro? Nearly? Or maybe a paragraph here and there just doesn’t make sense?And are you totally into watching movies in your new language? Mostly? Or did that super-important exchange just go over your head?No worries. We’ve all been there.Learning a new language isn’t always easy, but with the right resources, its more adventure than challenge. Believe me, I speak from experience.Sometimes it’s all about the tools you have to learn a languageâ€"and in this case, Im talking about one tool in particular: translation apps! Why should I use a translation app? Isnt that cheating?Why do people use translation apps? Basically, they work great to solve the language issues and missing bits you may come across when youre chatting, reading or watching TV or movies. They step right up and eliminate guesswork.Also, they facilitate communication. And that, really, is the reason so many of us study foreign languages. We want to communicate effectively with others. Translation apps take the stumbling out of conversations and eliminate the need for silly hand gestures! No more flailing your fingers in an attempt to sign what you’re trying to say!There are as many reasons to use these apps as there are language learnersâ€"and sometimes reasons for using language apps can even be surprising. Sometimes, the reason is love!On the go or in class, there are moments when you need a word or phrase right away. With an app in hand, you’re ready to handle life like a boss.Oui, you can find the right  French phrase. ¡No problema! deciphering that Spanish phrase.Ciao! to Italian guesswork.Floundering over a Japanese word? Say Sayona ra! to translation troubles.Are  Russian phrases giving you fits? Nyet! Not anymore.Language speed bumps are exactly why translation apps are important. They get you out of those tricky situations, and are always at hand!Of course, the danger of translation apps is that youll get so comfortable using them that they take away your motivation for actually learning the language. But theres an easy fix for that: FluentU.FluentU takes fun, real-world videosâ€"like movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talksâ€"and turns them into personalized language lessons. Use your translation app as needed while on the go, and use FluentU to make sure your in-depth language practice is both painless and regular.FluentU makes it possible to learn languages from music videos, commercials, news, inspiring talks and more.With FluentU, you hear languages in real-world contextsâ€"the way that native speakers actually use them. Just a quick look will give you an idea of the variety of FluentU vid eos on offer:FluentU really takes the grunt work out of learning languages, leaving you with nothing but engaging, effective and efficient learning. It’s already hand-picked the best videos for you and organized them by level and topic. All you have to do is choose any video that strikes your fancy to get started!Each word in the interactive captions comes with a definition, audio, image, example sentences and more.Access a complete interactive transcript of every video under the Dialogue tab, and easily review words and phrases from the video under Vocab.You can use FluentU’s unique adaptive quizzes to learn the vocabulary and phrases from the video through fun questions and exercises. Just swipe left or right to see more examples of the word youre studying.The program even keeps track of what you’re learning and tells you exactly when it’s time for review, giving you a 100% personalized experience.Start using FluentU on the website with your computer or tablet or, better y et, download the FluentU app from the iTunes store or Google Play store.How do I choose a translation app?There are many translation apps to chose from. But beware, not all are created equal.There are several factors to consider when tracking down the best app for your situation. What, then, makes a good translation app?First, consider price. Some, but not all, are free. Unless you’re rolling in the green stuff, most of us can’t afford to not factor this budgetary issue into our equation. Compare costs before downloading.The translations themselves deserve consideration. How does the app present the language? More importantly, how do you intend to use the translations? Are you looking for literal translations, or are idiomatic expressions okay?What languages are offered? Does the app translate to and from a language quickly? Also, is the to-from language option easily interchangeable? For me, this is a tiny feature that makes a big difference. I like to be able to input either l anguage without too much trouble.Not all apps are available on all devices. This is another factor that can pare down your list of choices.Do you always have your phone in your hand? Then a logical choice would be an app that allows you to look up what you need on that constant companion. If you’re more a tablet user, consider apps for the device you consistently carry.Just like with any other aspect of your life, you need to evaluate your options. Then, decide which features matter most to you and choose the app that’s the best fit.The good news is that weve already done the legwork for you!After investigating, comparing and prioritizing features, we’ve narrowed the field to the most widely beneficial translation apps.Go Global! The 6 Best Translation Apps for Language LearnersiTranslateiOS | Android  iTranslate is a free app that works with over 90 languages.  There are in-app purchases available, but since individual needs vary, not everyone will need them.This app can tra nslate dictation, which is a definite plus. No need to tap the screen when you can speak and get your answer.A feature that could prove very useful is that it can slow down audio playback, thereby helping eliminate pronunciation errorsâ€"and misunderstandings!Google TranslateiOS | AndroidGoogle is probably familiar to all. I mean, really, who doesn’t google?It’s just as easy to translate as it is to search, which definitely makes this app confusion-free.Also, it has an amazing feature that allows a person to take photos of signs and have the text translated instantly. Think about it: point, shoot and translate!You can also download common phrases in the event that you travel to places with sketchy internet service. Additionally, about half of the languages can be translated using no internet service at all. Heading deep into a jungle or way off the beaten path? Google Translate has you covered!This app is free in over 100 languages and is compatible with nearly any device.TripLi ngoiOS | AndroidIf youve got wanderlust in your genes and can pack a bag on the fly, TripLingo may be  your best friend. Its geared toward travelers, and the reviews are glowing, seemingly making it the international tool of choice.Theres a free version that offers basic access in the 23 included languages. For a monthly fee, all content is accessible.It usually offers several translations of phrases, allowing the nuances of conversation to be observed and articulated.  There are even slang translations on this app, so if youre chatting with the locals and suddenly lose the conversational thread, this is the go-to app for getting back on track.A culture guide, a phrasebook and different travel tools ramp up the apps travel cred. Those are extras that most translation apps dont offer but hey, they might come in handy if youre exploring the globe!SayHiiOSSayHi is a free app thats only available for iPhone and iPad users.It includes 100 languages, with dialect support for many of them. The translation voices can be changed to either male or female, and the speed of translated speech can be slowed to facilitate understanding if you want to use it in conversations.Theres also an edit translation feature, so changing translation queries is as easy as a finger tap!Voice Translator FreeAndroidThis app offers more than 50 languages for translation.It can translate from speech to text as well as from text to speech, so its very versatile. Its a no-frills, get-the-job-done app, a workhorse to deliver whats needed right on the spot!iHandyiOSiHandy is available in either a free or a paid version.  The paid app offers more features but the free one still gets the job done.There are 52 languages offered and the interface is user-friendly and virtually fail-proof.You can translate any of the available languages into any other available language almost instantly. This is a go-everywhere, fit-any-situation tool which doesn’t offer bells or whistles but delivers on nearly any basic language translation question.Choose your translation app wisely!As I said earlier, not all translation apps are created equal, but that means that there should be at least one to appeal to any language learner.We’re all different, and our approaches to learning are as varied as we are, so it makes sense that even when it comes to  translation apps, there won’t be a one-size-fits-all answer.But if you choose one of these six apps, you’ve got any translation snafu solved! Business, pleasure, learning or romanceâ€"you’re covered!And remember, every new phrase learned and any roadblock overcome takes you that much closer to being fluent in your target language. And that’s what we all strive for, isn’t it?Happy translating!

The Best Way to Learn a Language Playing Games!

The Best Way to Learn a Language Playing Games! Does learning a language always have to be so tedious and boring?The answer is a resounding No!.Mastering a new language should be challenging, but nobody ever said it has to be dull.Learning a new language can be really enjoyable when your approach to learning is geared towards having fun! Nowadays, we can learn languages through social media, movies  or even by playing games!Any form of education can be quite dull when you approach learning through repetitive rote learning methods. This creates a poor (and lackluster) learning pattern, which will usually lead to smaller amounts of progress.So throw out your old boring learning techniques and lend me your ears (or eyes in this case), as we explore how to learn a language by playing games and having fun! Such games can be played through apps on your smartphone, games on the internet, a handheld game console, computer gamesâ€"basically whatever you have and enjoy! Learning While Having Fun: The Ultimate CombinationThere is a common misconception that proper learning should be serious and solemn in nature, and if one is having fun then theyre not truly learning. Games provide an alternative route to learning a language while providing a pleasurable method to do so.The idea of learning no longer means rote memorizationâ€"it instead means acquiring the skills necessary to be able to respond appropriately in another language, when under pressure in various circumstances. Games can help deliver these benefits in the most entertaining way. Therefore as you delight in playing a game, you can enjoy yourself while unconsciously acquiring an array of language skills!The use of games can be a fantastic learning tool to advance in any language. In this approach, youre winning in the game by learning more of your target language.How Games Can Really Help Learn a LanguageThere is an old Chinese proverb that describes the beauty of learning languages through games: Tell me, and Ill forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involv e me, and Ill understand.  The best language games are designed to involve you  in different ways of using the language.These games offer a dynamic learning atmosphere, so it really comes down to youâ€"the game playerâ€"to benefit from playing the game. You can choose to play when the time works best for you and enjoy the time you spend learning your target language. The best part is that while youre absorbed in the game, youre actually learning. So rather than pay attention to standard learning, you simply focus on doing well in the game (which also requires strategic thinking, by the way, which can further improve your proficiency).Games also provide a great personal way to learn the language without any fear of making mistakes with the language in public. You can refine your skills with pronunciation, spelling, grammar and syntax all at your leisure. In the game-orientated context, you engage with the language in several ways by writing, listening, speaking and understandingâ€"wh ich all help generate speech fluency.Furthermore, learning through games actually motivates you to learn more of the language! When you love playing the game in your free time, that element of enjoyable competitiveness works as a catalyst to get you practicing the language more frequently. To progress in the game involves learning more of the language, so as you reach higher levels in the game, you also reach higher skill levels in your target language.The Benefits of Learning a Language Through GamesResearch was conducted in 2003 by the language acquisition experts, Asian EFL Journal. The research considered the effectiveness of game-based education methods on students when learning a new language. The students commented that they enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere the games provided, as well as the competitiveness and motivation that games brought to the learning environment.It was further observed by the teachers that the students actually seemed to learn at an increased pace and ret ain the information gained through playing games compared to learning through rote methods. The research confirmed that games are a highly effective tool to language acquisition.Thus far, weve already  seen numerous benefits of playing language games, so heres a brief summary:Time effectiveA welcome break from the usual method of educationFun and enjoyableProvides meaningful context for language useIncreases learning motivationPromotes communicative competenceReduces anxiety of making errorsIntegrates numerous linguistic skills: reading, listening, speaking and writingEncourages players to use the languageCreates positive attitudes towards learningThe results of education through gamification speak for themselves. Games are used extensively in the United States for education and training purposes.  In 2008, nearly 170 million Americans played computer games to achieve multiple learning goals, spending almost $12 billion.Just by playing a game, your brain becomes heavily stimulated w hile learning, and you simultaneously improve on other useful cognitive skills such as problem solving, memory, focus, mental agility andâ€"of courseâ€"language.So which language games should you play?Which Language Games Are Best to Play?All games are not created equally. There are definitely some games that are fantastic fun, while others will provide a more enjoyable way to learnâ€"but wont be as entertaining.A good language game should push you to enhance your speaking, listening, writing, reading, vocabulary and understanding of the target language. It should have longevity so you cannot become bored with the game in a short period of time. A lot of language games are designed to fit the criteria above and achieve more as well.You should definitely look for games created specifically for your target language, but here well share some of the top games currently out there that have versions for various languages.Duolingo  (Internet App)Native English speakers currently have 16 l anguages they can learn through Duolingo, but still not Japanese or Chinese. Native speakers of many Asian languages can still use the app to learn English, however, as the site can be used in 23 different languages. Duolingo has a fascinating game design, and you level up and unlock new categories the more you play. Its focus is on using speech, translations, spelling, visual queues and multiple choice to learn languages through an array of different games.Duolingo also allows you to play with other friends and keep in touch with them while they learn a language of their choice as well. What most users may not realize is that Duolingo was created as a language-learning platform that simultaneously helps translate the internet!FluentU  (Internet App)FluentU has a unique approach to language learning.  With FluentU, you learn real languagesâ€"the same way that natives  speak them.FluentU has a wide variety of videos like movie trailers, funny commercials, vlogs and web series, as yo u can see here:FluentU App Browse Screen.FluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, definition, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch something? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover your mouse over the subtitles to instantly view definitions.Interactive transcript for Carlos Baute song.You can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs Learn Mode. Swipe left or right to see  more examples for the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoAnd FluentU always keeps track of vocabulary that you’re learning. It uses that vocab to give you a 100% personalized experience by recommending videos and examples.Start using FluentU on the website with your computer or tablet  or, better yet,  download the FluentU app from  the iTunes or Google Play store. FluentU is currently available for English, Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, I talian, Portuguese and Russian.Babbel (Internet App)Babbel currently teaches 14 languages, which includes Indonesian, Danish and Russianâ€"but not Japanese or Chinese. The app focuses on learning grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation skills (Yes, it has speech recognition!).Babbel stands out because of its more direct approach, and features a variety of mediums. If you would prefer to focus on more practice and less of a game feel, this could be the game for you.Bravolol  (App)Bravolol currently has learning apps for 17 languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Arabic and Thai. Languages are taught through themes such as greetings, romance and weather. You learn through spelling, pronunciation, visual recognition and problem solving activities.One interesting aspect about this game is that it allows you to hear your own voice when pronouncing, and then compare it to a native speaker. On top of the Learn language apps, Bravolol also provides dictionary apps and two Chinese-spe cific apps: Business Chinese and Financial Chinese.Mindsnacks (App)This company has won the best education app of the year award for their game design. The game itself is comprised of several smaller mini-games that revolve around different ways to learn a language. Mindsnacks has seven languages available now: Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, German, Chinese and Japanese.The mini-games involve recognizing correct definitions, correct spelling and common errors through all facets of cognition: visual, audio and kinesthetic. There are a lot of different lessons available to learn, from the basics of numbers and colors to being able to hold a conversation in your target language.If youd like to find more apps right away for your specific language, weve got you covered:Best  English  AppsBest  French  AppsBest  German  AppsBest  Japanese  AppsBest  Spanish  AppsWhatever game you choose to playâ€"and whichever device you choose to play it onâ€"is entirely up to you. Each person enj oys a different stimulus when it comes to games, which is why the game manufacturing industry is so large.So go ahead and enjoy yourself; experiment with a few different language games.You wont believe how entertaining it can be to pick up a second language. Game on!

How to Graduate From an Internship to a Full-Time Job

How to Graduate From an Internship to a Full-Time Job Image via Attend events Many universities still offer networking events and job fairs to their graduates. After spending thousands of dollars each year, you should be entitled to a few free professional events each year. These events can range from professional presentations on how you can improve your resumes to seminars teaching you how to use a specific software. However, a lot of these events will focus on actual networking between alumni and special professional guests. Even if a particular event isn’t designed for your desired career, you can still benefit from networking with other professionals. After all, it will help you practice those networking skills. Who knows, maybe an engineering firm needs a public relations manager? If you are planning on moving away from your college town after graduation, you can also search the closest metropolis for career-driven events. Larger cities host job fairs and networking opportunities every now and then. In addition to networking events, you can also join industry-specific associations. If you have a marketing degree, or you’re a marketing student, there’s an American Marketing Association. If you’re looking to get a job in scientific illustration, there’s also the Association of Medical Illustrators. Regardless of your industry, there are several professional organizations you can join. It is important to note that some associations do have specific requirements before you can become a member, and often they charge an annual fee to join. However, the industry knowledge you can gain from a professional organization is well worth the money. Even if you cannot attend the organization’s events, these groups often post exclusive job openings on their job boards. Customize your resume Let’s face it, we’re all guilty of submitting the exact same resume to dozens even hundreds of job openings. While sending the same generic resume to every relevant job opening on LinkedIn can help streamline the application process, it can hinder your chances of getting the job. Hiring managers can detect a template resume anywhere. After all, they encounter hundreds of them in just one hiring cycle. Spruce up your online presence Although you likely have a LinkedIn profile, a LinkedIn account alone won’t get you noticed by employers. It’s important to make yourself stand out from other applicants by creating a website with your professional portfolio. While it might not be appropriate for everyone to create a professional website, you can also supplemental your LinkedIn profile with a blog. WordPress is an inexpensive and easy way to create your own industry-specific blog. Regardless if you choose to construct a website, a blog, or both, you could focus on the quality of the content that you publish online. Only display your best work examples and blog posts. Letters of reference Obtaining your first full-time job is all about credibility. While you could have a long list of incredible internships, hiring managers want to know if you are a dedicated and skilled worker. Although most applications require you to list three to five professional contacts, you can enhance your application with one or two letters of recommendation from past employers. It can become annoying if you ask your past employer for a letter of recommendation for a dozen different positions, so instead, you can ask for a  general letter of recommendation in a specific career industry. While it might seem contradictive to have a vague letter of recommendation when your resume and cover letter is supposed to be very specific, the purpose of the letter is to highlight your capabilities as an employee and validate your trustworthiness. Given the purpose of the letter of recommendation, it isn’t vital for it to be specific for every job application. Unless, of course, you are applying to very reputable companies like Huffington Post or Google. Use your contacts Asking around is a great method to find job openings, especially those that aren’t advertised online. You can ask your family, friends, past employers, and professors. Granted, you will likely have more productive results if you ask someone who is working in the same or similar industry as you. Even if you don’t have any former employers or professors that you feel comfortable enough to ask for professional leads, you can always contact your university’s career services office. Create a plan Granted, you shouldn’t create a dream board, because your entry-level job likely won’t be your dream job; however, it will help you acquire your dream job. Plus, your first adult job will be very enriching regardless. Nevertheless, it is important to create a schedule to ensure that you are actively applying to job openings. In your schedule, you should also remind yourself of application deadlines and set aside time to research each company  so you can tailor your application materials appropriately. Focus your job search Though you may have many skills that you want to showcase to a hiring manager, it’s important that you specify only skills and experience relevant to the jobs that you are applying to. You should plan to search for jobs in two or three career paths. These jobs should fit your experience and skills. While you could want to go into writing, it’s important to know that writing (along with essentially every career) is a very diverse field. Therefore, narrowing your searches between editorial assistant/staff writer positions and associate copywriter positions will make it easier for you to mold your respective resumes to fit these jobs. Granted, you will edit your resume even further for each job opening. Refining your job search will also allow you to think of more specific examples to discuss in your cover letter. Rather than writing about your overall love of everything writing, you can elaborate on your experience writing branded content or curating content for a style blog. While most employers would love to hear about your side blogging business during your interview, it is best to leave any unnecessary fluff out of your application material for a specific job, because it can deter hiring managers from hiring you. After all, irrelevant experience in your application material, even if you have limited working experience, can make it seem like you aren’t focused on any specific career path. Hiring managers might think that you are still figuring out what you want to do with your career. If you present yourself as not being certain about your career path, your chances with a company will be slim, as the interviewer won’t believe you have longevity with their organization. To them, you could change your mind and switch career paths at any moment. Let’s face it, most companies want to invest in employees who also want to invest their time and skill into their company.

Quick! Build Professional Relationships Before Your Internship Ends

Quick! Build Professional Relationships Before Your Internship Ends Go out of your comfort zone If you havent already, dont be afraid to reach out of your comfort zone. Whether youve kept minimum contact with your coworkers over the course of your internship or kept to a small circle of fellow interns, break out of your habits and reach out to those you havent been in contact with. Not reaching out to those you see every day on the job is a wasted opportunity. Regardless of how much time someone has spent with the company or how much they have experienced, you never know what they have to offer you at the moment, or in the future. They can give you advice or know-hows by telling you how they got to the company, give you leads on future opportunities in the company and elsewhere if you keep in contact, and much more. Take the first steps out of your comfort zone by approaching coworkers after a meeting. Introduce yourself so they can associate your name with your face later on, which comes in handy if they are able to point out what you have done in the internship. Show genuine interest in your work as an intern refer back to the meeting, discuss points of interest, bring up any questions you may have. Asking questions and engaging in a discussion shows that you are committed to your work as an intern and are willing to work more, making you stand out among other interns and upping the probability of making you memorable. Build the relationship by continuing to show genuine interest   Regardless of whether a relationship is professional or personal, it doesnt grow to be a strong one just by introducing yourself and hoping for the best. You need to work to build the relationship and maintain it. Even if you take the first step to introduce yourself, you may not be lucky enough for them to recognize you every time you run into them after or for them to seek you out first. You dont want to be unprofessional and borderline stalk them in the office hallways or figure out/follow their break schedule, but you do want to put in the effort to make sure you stay on their radar for the remainder of your internship. Dont be afraid to come up to them for questions (so long as they are good questions that you could not get the answers for yourself) or to make small talk if you run into them at the office. If you do end up catching them, do not be afraid to reach out to them. Talk about a current project going on your questions about it or about the coworkers involvement with it. Showing interest in both the company projects and the employee, you are showing that you are aware of whats going on and that you are willing to learn about it. If you get lucky, the employee will invite you to engage in a discussion about the project, treating you as a peer and giving you the experience and information to benefit your future. You are not only learning more about the work you would hope to do in your future career but also getting closer to a professional in the career you are interested in and one that is willingly helping you. Be cautious how your interactions come off, however. You do not want to appear as if you are kissing up to company employees or seeking handouts post-internship. Maintain a balance of genuine interest and professionalism, as you are still in a work environment. Stay connected   After you put all the work into building professional relationships before your internship ends, dont let your efforts go to waste by not setting up a way to stay connected and maintain the relationship after the end of your internship. It may be easy to get the contact information of company employees depending on what kind of internship you find yourself in or how much contact you have with employees. You may have easy access to their work numbers and emails, but you are better off having their personal numbers and emails (emails are often what you will get). Getting their work contact information is great as long as they are employees at the company, but when they move companies it will be easy to lose contact. Having at least part of their personal contact information will not only increase your chances of staying in contact  but also let them know that any email or call from you may be worth looking at if they bothered to give you their personal contact information. One of the easiest ways to keep in contact is adding them as a connection on LinkedIn. This gives you the opportunity to have a secure way to contact them and for them to endorse you as an employee for future opportunities.

Free Techniques in Organic Chemistry 3rd Edition PDF

Free Techniques in Organic Chemistry 3rd Edition PDFFor those who would like to learn more about organic chemistry, you will find the free techniques in Organic Chemistry 3rd Edition PDF interesting. In this eBook, you will get information on why you should consider organic chemistry and how this field can benefit you. The strategies in this eBook will help you to start learning about this field.If you want to pursue a college degree in chemistry, you may be a bit overwhelmed by the large amount of information that you need to remember. Instead of studying for years at school, take advantage of the free techniques in Organic Chemistry 3rd Edition PDF. This eBook provides a number of easy to use tips and strategies to improve your education and improve your overall grade.You will learn what factors affect your grades when it comes to organic chemistry. Some of these factors include experimental procedures, experimentation, and classroom management. You will learn the difference betwee n the various types of chemicals. You will learn the different uses for organic chemistry.In the quick overview of the book, you will learn all the things that you should do when you are ready to enter the college environment. Before applying to college, you need to do some research about the chemistry program you are considering. This eBook can help you narrow down your choices.One of the biggest benefits to this free techniques in Organic Chemistry 3rd Edition PDF is that you will not have to pay any money to get the book. Many of the materials and techniques in this book are free, making it easy for you to gain the information you need. You also do not have to worry about the time it will take to find the information you need.One of the most important aspect of this eBook is how easy it is to lookup specific answers. The tactics and strategies contained in this eBook help you learn the answers quickly. They help you figure out the answers to many difficult questions that can make it easier to understand your research. This eBook can teach you important information about organic chemistry, as well as other subjects, quickly and easily.The strategies in Organic Chemistry 3rd Edition PDF will help you achieve higher grades in college. You will learn how to improve your grade, especially in chemistry.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Go to the University of Minnesota and Use a Smith Hall Chemistry Tutor Room

Go to the University of Minnesota and Use a Smith Hall Chemistry Tutor RoomThe University of Minnesota, 'The' University is located in the state of Minnesota. It is one of the major universities in the state of Minnesota and has been holding a faculty from many of the world's top universities as well as getting a lot of good resources and high school diplomas as well.The University of Minnesota is able to provide a fantastic space for their students to use for their chemistry tutors as well as for other tutors, such as those who teach personal chemistry classes for students. This is because of the way the college is structured, and how the faculty members are on the same level with each other, so that they know each other.One of the best parts about the University of Minnesota is that it is accredited. In order to become an accredited college, you need to have accreditation by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). This means that if someone were to become a student h ere, they would have the knowledge needed to do so without having to worry about a lot of problems.It is interesting to know that the University of Minnesota is also one of the largest suppliers of teacher training, and they have Smith Hall Chemistry Tutor Room for their chemistry classes. Here, a number of different tutors can work together at one time, helping students in a variety of ways.However, when the University of Minnesota has the Smith Hall Chemistry Tutor Room, they only have a single professor who teaches everything. This is because the faculty understands how important it is to have one single teacher to train students at once. This means that a lot of different chemistry professors are available, and it makes it much easier for them to schedule all of their classes together.There are several aspects of the University of Minnesota that are essential for everyone to be educated. This includes the Smith Hall Chemistry Tutor Room as well as the work that goes into getting their students educated, and they are all connected in a single way.If you are looking for the best thing to do in order to help your students, the University of Minnesota has a chemistry tutor room that you can visit. You can look around and find out what you will like, and if you want to know more about how they get the resources they do, just contact the college directly.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

A Dr. Wang Explains the Chemistry of Plants

A Dr. Wang Explains the Chemistry of PlantsWeike Wang, an eminent chemist and molecular biologist, is no stranger to finding new ways to apply molecular and atomic techniques in order to gain insight into the biology of plants. In addition to his work with plants, Wang also specialized in the development of biotechnological sciences.As a molecular biologist, he has been a pioneer in discovering the importance of cell signaling and its role in regulating gene expression in plants. He has developed a wide range of tools to elucidate the signaling pathway in plants that leads to the proliferation of plant cells. This led him to study the life cycle of root-tip cell division, the production of leaves and the division of cell divisions in plants.While serving as Associate Professor in Chemistry at the University of California, Los Angeles, Wang collaborated with several partners in the field of biotechnology to develop methods to produce high yields of tomatoes using natural processes. Hi s work in this area enabled the development of some of the first 'green' tomatoes that are healthier and more nutritious than their conventional counterparts. After the release of these green fruits, he received several awards for his achievement.Wang's goal was to maximize the use of this new resource to provide greater benefits to the consumer. With the help of the Nano technology, he has designed a unique product - Angel's EnvyTM - that has resulted in significantly improved taste and nutrition.Chemistry is a branch of science which deals with the study of substances. In plants, the study of chemistry refers to the study of the chemical reactions that take place inside of the cells in order to generate specific chemicals.In all the research projects that Weike Wang conducted, he used molecules that were structurally dissimilar to the ones we see in nature. This new study was referred to as the chemical replacement theory and it was used to address the question 'Are there any mole cules that have not yet been discovered by science?'Chemistry is a great tool for us to improve our lives and give us new concepts to improve the way we do things in the future. If you want to learn more about chemistry, you can visit the links below. You can also find out about science and technology related to Chemistry at the website of The Science Education Commission.